old and recovered reading list! somewhat updated:2021-06
An odd but worthy reading list
Published on Mar 09, 2020 by Gala Camacho Ferrari
On IWD women all across Latin America protested our society and our governments for being complacent and silent to the violence against women: 2019 was one of the bloodiest, for Mexico, in terms of women murdered feminicidio ~80k women showed up to the protest - a feminist , angry, and powerful image from afar - I can barely imagine the energy that was flowing through those crowds, I was sad to miss it. On March 9th women across Mexico demonstrated what a Mexico without women would be like - [those who were able to partake in the protest] didn’t show up for work, didn’t go out on the streets, did nothing. #NiUnaMenos #NiUnaMas #UnDiaSinNosotras
An odd but worthy reading list
Using our anger
Mona's intersectional feminism is so bold, its inspiring.
Women across Mexico demonstrated what a Mexico without women would be like