old and recovered reading list! somewhat updated:2021-06
An odd but worthy reading list
Published on Jan 30, 2019 by Gala Camacho Ferrari
Surely You’re a Creep, Mr. Feynman is an incredible article that everyone, particularly in tech and science, needs to read. When people ask, “why do women leave science?” the conversation is, so often, around what women could have done differently - maybe it needs to be around which men we could have removed which would have made it a safe place for woman to stay.
Some notable lines – “Just for starters, this means abandoning the myth that the science can be separated from the scientist.”
“These men determine who gets access and who doesn’t. It’s impossible to know how many careers were re-routed or ended entirely by such abusive behaviors, and we should recall this basic disparity of power whenever we might feel tempted to bemoan the expulsion of Marcy and his ilk from the sciences.”
“Their stature in the world of science lent them the permission and the protection to prey upon women without consequence. So no, the life of the scientist cannot be separated from the science. To borrow another line from Hannah Gadsby, “Stop wasting my time.” “
An odd but worthy reading list
Using our anger
Mona's intersectional feminism is so bold, its inspiring.
Women across Mexico demonstrated what a Mexico without women would be like